Thursday’s Tip for Successful Blogging

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Here at Write on Track, I am grasping the nettle, throwing down the gauntlet and seizing the day! Well, that might sound a little dramatic for a 15 second video each week but for someone who doesn’t enjoy being videoed, it is a big deal!

Two weeks ago, I attended a workshop as part of KLCK Bloggers network and Amanda from Spiderworking gave an excellent practical teaching slot.  Each participant  created a 15 second video including a tip in their business area.

My challenge to myself (and Marie) is that we will produce a very very short video for every Thursday providing one tip in each video for successful blogging. I hope you enjoy them and find them useful :)

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Posted in Blogging for Success, Tips, Video
  • Marie Ennis-O’Connor (@JBBC)

    Well done on breaking outside of your comfort zone (and mine too!) and setting us on this new path on our blogging journey Lorna :-)

    • Lorna

      :) = the challenge will come late next Wednesday evening Marie ;)

  • emeralds82

    lorna,love the tip. thanks for sharing and thanks for the video… ooh i hate videos and photographs… so good on you…!!look forward to more!! :)

    • Lorna

      Thank you :) I know what I want to say in today’s video (for tomorrow) but it is the taking of it that is making me put it off!!

      • emeralds82

        …. the whole experience sounds like getting a bikini wax …….. you know it has to be done… you do everything in your power to put off doing it and then when its all over.. you think well it wasn’t that bad after all :) …. until the next time… lol… Look forward to your post tomorrow :)

  • Francesco

    Based on my own opinion, I think that its true that Pinterest is girnowg too fast for my business to ignore it. I know that everyone make use of the benefit they can have of being affiliated with them. I know that it would really bring a big success on their business.

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